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Club Hacks: Working a Double

Club Hacks: Working a Double


            As the summer months approach, you may find yourself avoiding the sun and working a few double shifts indoors. There are pros and cons to working a double shift but I’m here to share some tips that I used to make money working long hours (be prepared, this is a longer how-to blog read time ~7 minutes but it's so worth it!)



1.    Get a good night’s sleep and don’t work the day before: I start out with this one because it’s super important. It is easy to get burnt out if you are continually working and during a marathon shift it’s easy to become tired. That is why no partying the day before, keep it chill and hang out at home. Don’t work the day or days before either. Take a break because you will be in the club for a long time the next day. 

2.    Try to line up a regular to come by sometime during your day:If possible, make sure you have a regular client or clients to come see you throughout the day. I liked to schedule them a few hours apart so I always had something to look forward to/fall back on. This way if the club is slow you have a guaranteed income coming in. Also, it helps getting those dances or into VIP = a little break from hustling all day. 

3.    Expect to work harder during the shift that you don’t normally work: This is just something to keep in mind. If you normally work day shift than night shift will be harder for you and vice versa. Mentally prepare for that shift. You won’t be as familiar with the girls, the DJ and the bartenders/waitresses. Night shift is always more competitive while day shift has a more relaxed vibe. Don’t get lazy during day shift and don’t be intimidated for night shift. Either shift that is new to you make sure you are ready for it and try to just get through it, stay neutral, don’t cause drama. 

4.    Bring your lunch: Now this one might be like why? I’m going to tell you - if you don’t bring a snack you will eat club food = LAZY. Never was I able to eat greasy club food and then keep wanting to work (I would want to just take a nap killing the reason I decided to work a double shift to begin with). Bring snacks to eat throughout the day/night. Chocolates, nuts, granola, energy bars, cheese etc. I only worked at a few clubs that had fruit/cheese plates and I would usually order one of those if I forgot my snacks. Still it’s easier just to have healthy food that you like in your locker. 

5.    Don’t get too drunk and if you live far take a cab or Uber: This probably goes without saying but PACE YOURSELF. You can’t expect to make any money if you are drunk by 2 PM. Also, it doesn’t help if you are ending your night and can barely stand up or even worse passed out in the dressing room. I always felt proud of myself leaving the club moderately sober and with a wad of cash (as opposed to drunk, tired and frustrated). Limit your drinks, stick to water, order dancer drinks and don’t forget to eat. Also try to avoid taking shots. Working a double is a job and should be treated like that. This isn’t just a night to party, it’s a night to work. At the end of the shift you will be tired so be safe consider taking an Uber to work. (Bonus: I always found if I got a ride to the club I was less likely to leave early too).

6.    Bring a friend! It’s awesome to have a friend with you – granted that friend knows how to hustle and wants to work too. I used to have one friend that would join in for day shift and one for night. It was like the regular client – if it was slow during the day you could talk to your friend and not get bored. If I was getting tired at night, I had a friend to bring my energy up and help me sit with tables. Friends can be a great asset but make sure they know the plan and want to help. I would have some friends that would work doubles with me too and that was always more fun. 

7.    Change your outfit and bring a change of clothes to hang out in dressing room: Trust me on this one. You will not want to wear the same outfit the entire day. This also applies to heels bring another pair – your feet will thank you. Bring some baby wipes just in case and plenty of makeup/hair stuff for touch ups. Also bring clothes you like hanging out in – boxers, sweats, socks. I would take a break each shift when I would have a lull. The break is so crucial it was a time to eat my snack, get on my phone and chill. Without this time to recharge it is easy to get burnt out or drunk or both. Plan your day with some structure like this. I also liked to smoke weed too and this was a perfect time to go out to my car to “get my charger” and take a rip. Whatever you like to do bring it with you. I would see girls reading books, doing homework, working on projects etc…

8.    Let your managers know: Keep all managers in the loop that you are working a long shift. Also let the DJ’s know too (even though they probably won’t care as much). Managers typically will help girls they know are working doubles. They won’t harass them to get on the floor when they see them taking a break. The DJ may let you skip stage more often or give you more flexibility. Managers may also give you a break on house fees and tip out if they know you are working all day and night. Many clubs have deals for girls who work both shifts. 


From years of experience this is what I have learned from working long shifts. Pros = you will have the opportunity to make more money, you might have a good time with friends or clients, the club usually likes girls who work hard and you can make a day go by really quick. Cons = it’s hard, it’s long and it can be tedious. If you use these tips the whole day/night will go by faster and you will be more successful. Now, go out there and get that money strippies!!! 

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