411 on House Fees — bohemian writings

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411 on House Fees

411 on House Fees


411 on House Fees (How to get lower fees!)


So, this is a short post just covering the tip of the ice berg about house fees. Having worked at so many different clubs over the years, each one has different rules when it comes to house fees. This post will go over house fee baasics and what you should be spending as well as how to keep track for taxes and tricks to get the club to lower your fees!


The Basics:House fees are what the club charges a dancer to work as an independent contractor in their establishment. House fees can vary from club to club but usually they depend on the shift working and the time that the dancer shows up to work. Day shifts are generally cheaper to work than night shifts. Smaller cities are going to have cheaper house fees than larger metropolitan areas (Vegas has some of the most expensive house fees but the probability of making more money). The later you show up for a night shift the more expensive the house fee will be – usually increasing in $10-$20 increments every hour. And finally, each club has a cut off hour which is that latest that you can show up for a shift and is usually has the most expensive house fees. 



What You Should be Spending: Now of course depending on the city and the club – I have found that for me it was not worth working if I am spending more than $40 on house fees. Even if I was working in a big city where I would make a ton of money I felt like I was getting ripped off or wasting my hustle if I was spending $50+ on house fees. I also found that clubs that charged high fees also had a lot of girls working and would have more competition. The higher fees would be a deterrent for girls to work at higher end/busy clubs. Even at these A-List clubs there are ways to get lower fees – read below! 



How To Get Lower House Fees: When I was dancing I would get asked most often – how do you get low fees? There are several ways and here are a few that worked for me:

-      If it is a club that you work at regularly – promise a few shifts that you would work in exchange for lower fees. IE: Work Sunday nights in exchange for $25 fees. I would barter a shift that other girls didn’t work so I could get just the minimum rate for house fees for all my other shifts. That way I didn’t have to be rushed to get to the club by a certain time and the club had a girl they always knew would be there on Sunday. Talk to your managers and see what they will work out with you. Of course, don’t always show up late but if you do show up late with guaranteed cheap house fees, make money and tip out well. 

-      Get another job or go to school: Other clubs would take a work or school schedule to negotiate lower fees. Don’t just think because you do have another job or go to school that they won’t work with you. I had evening classes and they would charge me a lower fee when I would come to work on those nights. 

-      Have a regular pay your fees! This one is a no-brainer. If you have a good regular who wants you to come in on a shift you don’t normally work – say you would love to but can’t afford the house fee. If they are in fact a good client they will pay your fee for you. This way the club can charge full price and you don’t have to pay anything!! 

-      Tip out more. I would say look I can pay higher fees or I can tip out more. If the clubs allows tip out they would usually opt for more money in their pocket than in the club. If I didn’t make as much money that I needed for tip out I could just say I would get them next time while not having to pay the expensive house fee either. Win-win.

-      Show up on time or work a double. If you show up early the house fee will be lower. If you work a double you usually don’t have to pay a house fee for the second shift.

How to claim house fees on your taxes: Make sure you save all your house fee receipts and be specific to ask for one from the club every time you work. These fees are TAX DEDUCTABLE. I literally broke even every year on my taxes but I’ll save those tips for another post. Just keep in mind that these fees can be saved up and used at the end of the year so keep track of what you are spending. 


So, I guess this post wasn’t as short as I thought it would be but house fees are tricky. Talk to your managers and if they do give you a break on fees the #1 rule to remember is DO NOT BRAG TO OTHER GIRLS ABOUT IT. Keep it to yourself. The easiest way to lose discounted fees is to tell someone else who works with you paying regular fees. Clubs want to appear as fair and just keep this one as your little secret! 

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