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Best Places to Make Money Stripping

Best Places to Make Money Stripping

Hi Bohemians, the new year is finally upon us GOODBYE 2020! With the vaccines coming out for COVID-19 and hopefully *fingers crossed* everything going back to semi normal next year. I wanted to share with y’all the best places to make money! I have had personal experience working in some of these cities and areas. I also did a little background research (you’re welcome) so that you would know, where are the MOST LUCRATIVE clubs in the United States. 

This is in no particular order – if you have a place to add, comment below

-       Houston – there is stupid money here but Houston does have a lot of restrictions at the best clubs. You must wear full bottoms and pasties/liquid latex on the nipples. Also, the most lucrative clubs won’t hire you if you have a lot of tattoos that can’t be covered up with makeup. 

-       Dallas – another conservative Texan city, same about the tattoo thing if you want to work at the top clubs. Also, you must get fingerprinted to work in Dallas. Mostly to verify your age and citizenship. But Dallas has some great clubs: the Lodge, Baby Dolls, and Silvercity were my favorites. 

-       Miami/Palm Beach – I heard all the time pre-covid that Miami or South Beach were great places to make money. I never worked there personally but know girls that would bank. This town is tourist/visitor centered so it’s good to go when an event or convention is going on. You don’t need a license in Miami but if you go north to Palm Beach you do. 

-       Atlanta – Of course we have all heard of the infamous Magic City but the other clubs (like Cheetah, Follies or Pink Pony) in Atlanta can be just as lucrative. You do need a license to strip in Atlanta (you can find info here) and they can cost upward of $300 so be prepared for that.

-       San Francisco – pre-COVID San Francisco or Palo Alto were great places to work because you are near all the tech companies. Right now, the most of the clubs are all closed. Check back later this year for an update on this one. 

-       Portland, OR – According to several articles, Portland has the most strip clubs per capita and boast being the strip club capital of the US. They also accept almost all types of dancers. Those with tattoo’s, piercings and any other fun unique attributes or talents are welcomed in Portland. Also, they allow full nude clubs to serve hard liquor (Atlanta does too). The dancers here take pride in their pole work and dancing abilities. It’s also a city that does take care of their dancers because of the large feminist rhetoric that is present in this liberal city. 

-       Las Vegas – so we’ve all heard of Vegas. And there are crazy clubs there with the opportunity to make tons of money. But competition is incredibly high. You also have to have a license to work. As with larger cities, it can be expected that girls do extras (especially with prostitution legal in Nevada). If you’re going to go to Vegas, take a friend with you. Don’t forget that along with license fees, the house fees at the clubs are incredibly high.


-       Denver – as with San Francisco, Denver has some of the strictest COVID-19 laws for clubs. Some clubs are closed and we will update this post later this year. 

-       New York City – Of course, this is one of the best places to dance in the US due to the high variety of clubs and clients. However, dancers from foreign countries are very prevalent here. There are many types of clubs (including some that aren’t legal) so be very careful when choosing where to work. Most of the clubs are also open practically 24/7 so you can find somewhere to work at any time of day. The living costs are very high in New York so take a few friends with you to share the cost. 

-       Anchorage/Fairbanks, Alaska – If you don’t mind the cold weather like really cold weather. Alaska can be a great place to work. Also, be aware that there is like no social scene so you’ll be alone in the beautiful bush country. Great clubs to work at include, the Great Alaskan Bush Company and The Showboat. 


-       Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona – Similarly to Texas, there is a high net worth among residents in these cities. That means they have high standards in how the dancers look. They also require auditions and may have a probationary period before you’re officially hired. The license in Phoenix is under $50 but in Scottsdale expect to pay at least $150. Oddly, enough Phoenix also has a Great Alaskan Bush Company club.

-       Los Angeles – unfortunately, due to the COVID outbreak in LA right now most of the clubs are temporarily closed. After vaccine distribution hopefully these clubs can open back up. LA was great to work because #1 it’s super fun #2 celebrities #3 a ton of money. Be prepared to also see a lot of plastic surgery and silicone but who doesn’t love that? Lol 

-       Tampa, FL – Alright, I’m just throwing this one out here because on Reddit the dancers were talking about how much money they have made recently. Like 5 days ago. In case you’re traveling through Tampa or Pensacola I would def suggest stopping here. There are a ton of clubs to choose from and since COVID it seems that this place might actually be one of the best places in the country.  



Obviously, this is a list that is taking COVID into consideration. If you can wait to dance again until after the vaccine I would probably recommend that. If not, these places seem to be doing a decent job at protecting their dancers and patrons. Have another place that you love to work? Comment below!


Love & Glitter


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