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Life as a Stripper

Life as a Stripper


        Hi Bohemians! Welcome back to the blog, this is where I share a bunch of tips and tricks for dancing and working in the strip club industry. With uncertain times right now and most all of the clubs closing due to COVID-19. I have included a resource post for strippers and dancers to access to find some help during all of this. You can access that post here. 


            This post is all about a question I get very frequently now that I have retired. What does life look like for a stripper who dances full time? Well this is a pretty comprehensive outline of how the day to day and weeks play out. First, I will do a weekly day to day and then break down a day that you work vs a day you have off and what that schedule will probably look like. Disclaimer: this is a schedule for someone without children. If you have kids, your schedule will probably look a lot different than this one! 


Monday – this is typically a day off for night shift dancers. For daytime dancers I would definitely work on Monday. Monday’s are great for daytime because business people are trying to avoid work at all costs. Plus, it starts your week off with that hustle mentality. 


Tuesday – this may also be another day off for night shift dancers unless the club has some sort of special going on. If I was a daytime dancer I would take this day off typically. Tuesday’s are generally boring, people aren’t really coming in and it’s usually slow at the club. If you can’t tell Tuesday was my worst day to work.


Wednesday – if you’re a night time dancer and want to pick up a weekday shift this one will probably work out nicely. Most clubs have specials on Weds. Like “couples night” or half off bottles of wine. Use this to your advantage but don’t stay late and don’t get too toasted (you still have the rest of the week). Wednesday is hit or miss for daytime dancers. But I generally liked to work MWF during the day to keep my regulars coming in. 


Thursday – some nighttime girls swear by Thursday nights. I personally never liked them. Unless it’s a holiday weekend, Thursday is usually a bunch of young locals just trying to go out. It is the same during the day too. I wouldn’t work Thursday mostly because I also wanted to be a local and go out. 


Friday – both daytime and nighttime dancers should work on Friday. If your city or town has a bunch of competition (other dancers) then you should work a double shift or get there early for whatever shift you are planning to work. I loved doing a split shift working from 4 PM – 12 midnight on Fridays the best. That way you get the happy hour business men and then some of the after dinner out of towners. When I worked nightshift only I would work maybe 9 PM – 4 AM. During the day I would get there before 11 because they had a great lunch time crowd. If you’re not working on Friday, you’re doing it wrong. 


Saturday – for night time girls yes you would want to work on Saturday night as well. For daytime girls Saturday is hit or miss. Typically, clients with money are with their families on Saturday during the day and not in the club. If you want to arrange a split shift with the club and go in later in the afternoon that sometimes works out nicely. 


Sunday – for night shift dancers Sunday was always my bargaining chip. I would work Sunday nights to get free or cheaper house fees. I would also go in suuuuper late. After I went out to dinner or something and I usually had a friend to bring along. Sometimes I would make money other times I wouldn’t it didn’t really matter. Sunday for daytime again isn’t going to be great unless there is s sports event on. Get there right before halftime and stay after the game. You’ll get some drinks and maybe a few dances. Do not expect Sunday to be a big money-making day regardless of which day you work. 



You should really only be working 3-4 days per week and then doing your other thing (goal, whatever) on the other days. Working more than 5 days a week will lead to burn out. It’s fine if you’re saving up for a vacation or some immediate bill but you should really try to keep it to 4 days max. It’s better for your psyche and body. Trust me. 


Now what do the actual days look like. I have broken it down to two different “types of days” one where you go to work and one where you don’t. Now I’m not trying to tell anyone how they should spend their time or days off or whatever. I’m just trying to give an outline of what my days looked like and what to expect if you’re new to the industry. 


Going to work (Nighttime)

10- 1 PM Wake up. Depending on if I worked the night before I would wake up either earlier or later. 

12ish Lunch and/or coffee

1-3 Gym, Tan, Laundry (haha from the Jersey Shore days) no but seriously. These are the hours where you need to get your shit done for the day. Prep for work. Go to the salon, gym whatever. Go to get a new outfit or shoes. 

3-4 Nap, get online, chill at home. 

4-6 Get ready for work

7 PM – 2 AM work. 

2 AM- 4 AM Dinner & wind down

4 AM Bed 


Going to work (Daytime)

8-9 AM Wake Up

9 AM breakfast/coffee 

9- 11 Get Ready for work

11 AM – 6 PM Work.

6-8 Dinner 

8-10 Gym, Tan, Laundry 

11-12 PM Here it’s fun for daytime girls because you can either go to bed or still have time to go out with your friends or significant other. 


Days Off


10 AM Wake Up (for both kinds of dancers, I really advocate for trying to get up as early as possible on your days off. You can go to bed early later in the day. If you sleep all day any chance of having a normal life goes out the window. Also, this is a good time to schedule spa treatments during the week (waxing, microblading, massages etc.)

11 AM – 4 PM Work on your GOAL. For me this was mostly going to school. For others it may be your side hustle. But dedicate this time to work on your other thing outside of the club.

4 – 6 PM Happy Hour with friends or go to the gym, tan, laundry

6 – 10 PM Dinner and going out.

10 – 12 (come home and do your homework if you have school) up to you, get to bed early, maybe chill at home. Or go out and have fun! It would depend on my mood and day of the week on which I did. 



 So like I said pretty comprehensive snap shot of how a stripper spends their days and what their work schedule looks like! If you have any other scheduling tips or questions leave them in the comments below! And if you’re not following a schedule right now I hope this helps!

Love & glitter - BW

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