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Qualifications for Stripping

Qualifications for Stripping

            Hi strippies! If you’re just joining the blog, welcome – this part of my site is dedicated to sharing my seven and a half years of dancing experience and knowledge with you. So, today’s topic is for the very baby stripper or maybe even a wannabe stripper, what are the qualifications for stripping? What do you need to be a good stripper and make money? What are the requirements to work in the club? All this is covered and more in today’s post below!


            Quick story: My first day I considered dancing I was talking to a girl who had already been dancing for a couple years. The biggest question I asked her was about my body type. I have an athletic build, I’m not very curvy, I don’t have big boobs and I was pretty skinny. I was worried that since I didn’t look like the ideal feminine aesthetic that I wouldn’t get hired or make any money. She looked me straight in the eye and said to all my concerns that they were completely irrelevant. But that I needed to just have confidence in myself. 


Now I know what you’re thinking, “That sounds great and everything but then what? Have confidence and that’s it?” No. I just wanted to put out the disclaimer that any body type can work in this industry and that shouldn’t stop you from trying to unleash your inner stripper. 

            All right, down to business – below are a few things that you should really take into consideration as being the minimum qualifications to get hired and be a dancer. It’s a quick list, some have explanations and others do not (if you do have questions leave a comment below).


1.     If you’re dancing in the US, you will need to be a US citizen who is over the age of 18 (over 21 at some clubs). You will need to provide proof that you are a citizen and you have to have some forms of identification. In some cities, you even have to get a license and/or fingerprinted to be allowed to work.

2.     You need to be able to work when the club is open. Most clubs are open all day and most of the night but some are just open at night. Make sure obviously that you can work the hours. 

3.     Personal hygiene is a must! You are making money with your body - it’s like your instrument or tool, you have to keep in clean and tidy so that you can work more efficiently and so that you will get hired in the first place. 

4.     This is a superficial business so you will need to make sure that you can look the part. Now I’m not saying become like a Barbie doll but don’t show up to audition at the club or to work looking like a hot mess. You can still have your personal style without sacrificing just great beauty techniques and glamorization. 

5.     You must be shaved or waxed. You can have a landing strip or maybe some sort of shape but everything else needs to be hairless. You can expect your clients for the most part to have big problems with body hair. Of course, there are exceptions but this one is pretty standard across the industry.

6.     You must be savvy. This means careful with your money and the ability to do basic math. You should be able to charge appropriately for your dances and time. 

7.     Having an engaging personality is a big requirement.

8.     You must be able to do the job sober. If you have to get plastered drunk every night you work or be drunk before you show up, this job is not for you. I am saying that the first few times you can have liquid courage but if it is an absolute necessity then stop. 

9.     You shouldn’t be addicted to drugs. Stripping will only exasperate a drug abuse problem. Seek treatment for your addiction first and then start dancing. It can be a rabbit hole if you struggle with this illness.

10.  Speaking of illnesses – do not have any sort of transmittable disease. I’m mostly talking about scabies and other active skin viruses like shingles. These will transmit to your co-workers and I have even heard of clubs getting shut down because of this. 

11.  Try to be as current as possible on the news and other worldly events. It’s only cute the first time a client sees you to be a moron. If you want regular clientele you need to be able to talk about anything, I really do mean anything. 

12.  Know when to shut up. Sometimes they want you to just sit there or dance. Know which type of client you are dancing for. 

13.  Understand that you are in the SERVICE industry. Yes, clients can be assholes but they are like that with any industry. It won’t suit you to get up on a high horse and lecture a client. He won’t come back and you won’t make any money. 

14.  Have etiquette. You should know basic shit like how to open a champagne bottle, how to sit up straight, introduce yourself and be kind. If you show up trashy you won’t be able to keep clients for very long and usually the club will get tired of your shenanigans and find a reason to fire you. (Extra plus: if you know a little about wine, food pairings and other rich people shit). Google etiquette and watch some tutorials if you want to attract the top 1% of clientele.

15.  Keep up appearances. Don’t let yourself go after you have the job or the club can fire you.  

16.  Have thick skin. Don’t let the shit at the club impact who you are outside of the club.

17.  Leave your problems at the door. No-one really wants to hear your ex-bf drama, leave it at the door and focus on work. 

18.  Establish your boundaries. 

19.  Be confident in your body. You do not need to get plastic surgery to become a dancer. In fact, some clients like all-natural bodies and hate plastic surgery so just do what you want. I never got plastic surgery and never felt that I needed to.

20.  You need to be naturally outgoing. I’m not saying extroverted but if you are a hardcore introvert with social anxiety, this job is definitely not for you. 

21.  Have a reliable way to get to and from work. No-one at the club will look after you and give you rides every night. 


That’s pretty much it. Barrier to entry is very low when it comes to dancing. Your first night or first few months you will want to get a pair of shoes. I always joked that all you really need are shoes and a T-back! 

Want to know more? Click below:

            These are really basic guidelines for qualifications that a club and clients will look for. Don’t be afraid to give it a shot and if you think of any I left out, leave them in the comments below!!


Love and glitter - BW

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