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Stripping During COVID-19

Stripping During COVID-19

Hi Bohemians! I hope you are all out there living your best boho life right now. I know times are tough but good news we will get through this!

DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice. Follow all rules that your club or state has imposed on the club and follow all CDC guidelines. This is simply a blog for some ideas to help you navigate this trying time but DOES NOT supersede medical advice and governmental regulations.

Here in Texas some of the strip clubs have reopened which is great right? A lot of clubs have taken extreme measures to make sure that their staff and patrons are safe especially during this crazy time. If I was still dancing I probably would go back and try to make some money at the club. Why not? People are sick of being in their homes and want go out. Time for you to get some of that stimulus money! I’ve heard from friends going back to work in the clubs that business comes in waves but isn’t bad. So after talking to them and reading a bunch of articles I’ve compiled some helpful tips for y’all to work in the club, make some money and most importantly stay safe!

  1. Wear a mask when working! Goes without saying and most clubs that are open are requiring this. But you must wear a mask while working. Find a cute mask that goes with your outfit. I’ve even thought I would have a clear mask made out of plastic while I was on stage or something so that they could see my smiling face. Dancers said that clients not being able to see their facial expressions was definitely hurting their income. But still, I’m sure clients would rather be safe and keeping a mask on is absolutely essential.

  2. Make sure to sanitize regularly. In another post, I explained about how clubs can already transmit skin stuff like shingles. So when on stage, if your clubs doesn’t already sanitize after each dancer (or even if they do) make sure you sanitize as well. I would get one of those huge wipes that are used for camping and take it with me to wipe off after stage rotations. Also I’d keep hand sani and wipes with me at all times.

  3. Shower before/after work. I would make sure to also have an extra change of clothes in my car. Like a sweater to put over myself or even a towel to wrap my hair in on the way home. Hair is one of those things that just captures germs (if there is smoking allowed in your club you already know). But make sure the second you get home to shower and disinfect all your outfits before going back. Take all your clothes that you wore that night and put them directly in the washing machine. Wipe down your shoes as well because you never know. I would avoid using a shower in the club right now and try to keep your distance from other dancers in the locker room.

  4. Stay 6 feet away during dances. If your club is allowing private dances like they are here make sure you keep your distance. This will make your client feel safe and keep you away from any germs. This is a time to try and get your not-at-risk regulars to come in. They already know you and would be happy to see you I’m sure. Personally, I would probably trust my regulars more than other patrons but still you don’t want to put anyone at risk.

  5. Keep healthy! Don’t smoke while working and try not to drink too much! Make sure when you are not working you are doing healthy things to keep your immune system strong. Eating healthy and getting exercise, taking supplements and following social distancing protocols when you are not working will all help to stay on top of your game.

  6. Limit exposure to other dancers. Even if you know and love them now is probably not a good time for “double dances” or working in teams. Wait until we can safely dance and party together again!

  7. If it makes you uncomfortable then leave. This one applies at all times really but if you feel like your club, managers or clients are making you take unnecessary risks then just come back later or find another club. They should all be making you feel comfortable and happy. If you don’t like something, trust your gut and tell them. If they don’t fix it then don’t come back until they do. For me this would be something simple like keeping the stage clean or enforcing social distancing.

  8. Keep your cash in a plastic bag. NO MORE keeping cash in your garter belt PLEASE. You want to limit any skin exposure to cash right now. Try to get paid in funny money if possible. If you do get paid in cash on stage I would wear gloves to pick it up. I would also put all the cash in a gallon sized ziplock to be sanitized later. You can google how to sanitize cash. Whatever you do try not to touch it. Cash is already really gross in normal times, no reason to touch it right now if you can avoid it.

  9. Take care of your mental health. For dancers a lot of our self confidence and worth is tied into how much we make at work. Be aware that right now times are not normal and you can’t expect to make what you would normally! THAT IS OKAY. Just the fact that you are trying and showing up for yourself is what matters. Make sure to do a mental check in with yourself and don’t get down because the club is slow. I worked during the ‘08 recession and that was tough but it turned back around! You can get through this!

Hopefully these tips help you get back to work and stay safe out there! As always if you have another tip or a question comment below!

Love & glitter - BW

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