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Best lines to use to break the ice and warm up their lap. 


            Hi bohemians! Recently, I just started a new job as a real estate agent. Yes, it’s exciting and fun but it’s also oddly similar to you guessed it, being a dancer! I mean the parallels are actually pretty cool and being a dancer has definitely prepared me for a life in sales and in real estate. On my team and in my brokerage, we have been talking about scripts and the BIGGEST difference about this sales job and stripping is that this one they GIVE you the scripts to say to clients FOR FREE. Holy shit balls. How much easier would dancing be if all the dancers got together and gave away their opening lines? We could have all been making a TON of $$$ way easier. Unfortunately, the dancing industry is extremely competitive. Veteran dancers do not usually tell the newbs how to walk up to customers, whisper something in their ear and then head straight to VIP. But you’ve seen it happen right? Have you ever wondered how? What did she say?


            Every girl has their special little lines and the way the say it may be different than others. It also obviously depends on the type of client but here it is: I am going to show you my BEST lines that I finessed over 7.5 years of dancing. The ones that worked 80% of the time every time. Haha! but in all seriousness, here are a few of my best one-liners that got me in the lap and able to move on to close the sale. Don’t forget that this is a sales jobs, there will be objections and other obstacles to overcome but use these lines to help get you on their lap and making some money! 

Below are the tried and true lines but I I glided some new NLP ones from 2024 try both out and see which ones work best for you!

You’re here for a good time so that means I have to take you to VIP

I know you want a dance

When I take you to VIP….

You want to treat yourself, don’t you?

We can do an hour or two half hours instead…


1.     Are you waiting for someone? 

This was my ABSOLUTE favorite line. First of all, it’s an easy yes or no. The client can just answer honestly or not. It doesn’t matter but it does relieve them from the pressure of turning you down. Second, it also helped my rejection mentality as it seemed like if they said yes, then it wasn’t because they didn’t like me, am I right?Buutttt, usually they would say NO! This was my in. I had already given them the out! If they said no, they practically just said, “hey sit with me and let’s have fun!” 

2.     What are you doing here? 

Another good one, this was great because it makes them seem like you already know them or have recognized them from somewhere. Familiarity, even fake familiarity, works in this environment. Then they may respond with, what do you mean? Boom! Make up something and convo started sit on down there. Ideas to follow: I think I’ve met you, you were the one with the ____, oh I’m so sorry you look like _____, I didn’t think I would see someone like you in a place like this…

3.     Have we met before? 

This kind of goes with the one above but if they say no, then introduce yourself! Usually they may say something like: No, I would have remembered that. Perfect. 

4.     Do you have a lighter? Can I bum one? 

Unfortunately, this only applies to places that allow smoking inside but TRUST MEEEE it works too. Then you get a free cigg, or a lighter for yours and can sit down and chat to try and figure out if they are a good potential client. Disclaimer: not ALL guys with cigarettes are good customers. Use your best judgment here! Also, don’t spend more than one cigg talking to them before either A. They buy you a drink or B. they buy a dance right after the cigg is over if you’re that good. 

5.     This isn’t where I parked my car! 

I’m almost embarrassed to share this one because it is so corny. This one should only be used in the LATE, late night hours where everyone is drunk. You should probably be drunk too. But it does work because #1 people are not expecting it. And #2 it gets them to laugh. It also helps if you plop down right in their lap as you say it and pretend to fall over so they have to catch you, you big flirt! 

6.    Hi, I’m Calli. I’ve never seen you here before

This is pretty straightforward but it works great on guys from out of town. They think wow this girl must have noticed something about ME. It usually follows with, I’m not from here or I don’t go to clubs often. Oh great! Let me tell you how it works. 

7.     Come on, let’s go! 

This one is whispered urgently in their ear. And then just walk away. Like they are your friend and you are trying to get them to come with you! They will follow most of the time and if they don’t who cares on to the next one. I also used this one after drinking and when I knew I could get a VIP table for free or something. This way if they did follow I actually had somewhere else to take them. 



Now, these lines don’t always work and you could probably come up with some variations that may be a little bit more your style but you get the idea. Open them up and get them talking. Now in my new sales job they say you will not get to 20 people without getting a yes. For stripping I would never get past FIVE. That’s right. 5. I would tell myself to get on the floor and try to make it to 5 and luckily for me it never happened. I used these one-liners and was able to sit down and at least get a free drink. What you do from there, I’ll reveal in my next SCRIPTS post. But until then happy dancing! Make that money! 




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