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How to Become an Exotic Dancer FAQ

How to Become an Exotic Dancer FAQ

            Hi Bohemians! I am back and so ready for 2021! I think y’all will be impressed that I have some awesome things planned for the year and new content to bring everyone. Yes and yes! So today I wanted to just cover like a basic bitch version of how to become an exotic dancer. I get a lot of questions on my Qualifications post so I wanted to address a few of them here.

            I noticed that a lot of my questions are from people who might be interested in stripping or maybe baby strippers just starting out. Here are the questions I get asked most often, hope you enjoy the answers!


How much money does a stripper make on the first night?

            This really does depend on where you are working and what shift (day or night) and which day. The first night that I danced I made $340 and it was a Friday night shift. I remember it perfectly. I couldn’t believe that: 

A. I made more money in one night than I did in two weeks at my part-time job 

B. it only took 4 hours at the club

            For me, I went with a friend who had already been dancing in the club awhile and she showed me around. She also let me borrow clothes (see question below). I had ZERO idea what I was doing and just kind of bounced around telling EVERYONE that it was my first night. 

            Guess what, they loved breaking in the “virgin” dancer. Even if I was awkward and terrible at dancing that was part of the fun! I mean seriously. There is no easier way to make money and not care than it being your first night. A lot of veteran strippers will tell you that you make the easiest money the first 6 months that you start dancing. This is because you don’t know what you are doing and patrons don’t care. 

            You can expect to make at least a couple hundred dollars because you are new. Tell the DJ to announce you are new when you get on stage. You probably won’t make $1000 your first night. I’ve seen it happen but it’s rare. The goal should make as much as you can until you are tired and want to leave. This threshold varies between each person just don’t stay longer than you want to because you want to make more. This is an easy way to get burnt out quick. Practice self-care after you leave the club that way you have money and a positive experience so you want to go back. 



What to wear your first night stripping?

            This is SUCH a great question. As I mentioned above, I borrowed clothes from my girlfriend who was already a stripper. I wore a padded white and black polka dot bra with black bikini bottoms. She also only had 8-inch heels without a strap that she didn’t wear so those went on my feet. She also gave me a T-Back (see photo).


Usually for your first night bring a t-back and whatever lingerie you have lying around. You can even get away with a swimsuit that you love. Most clubs require a T-Back and/or full bottoms to be worn at all times, unless you are working in an all nude club. Don’t wear a lace or see through t-back. SPANDEX only. Right now it’s awesome because you can wear a mask. Any masks, diamond, fancy, plain, neon – it doesn’t matter everyone is wearing a mask and it’s fine. It’s also a little extra mystery so pick a mask that’s fun and go for it! 


In the clubs that have dress code requirements make sure you know them. For example, once you are hired they will usually go over “theme” nights. There are high end clubs that say you must wear gowns on certain nights.  

            Whatever you wear make sure you are comfortable in it. Also, I wouldn’t go spending a ton of money on clothes until after your first few shifts. I think after my second or third shift I went and spent money on shoes and outfits. The first thing you do buy should be a pair of shoes that have a strap:



I never danced with a strap and now my ankles hate me for it. 

How long does it take to make consistent money stripping?

            This varies between each person and city that you are working in. As I mentioned above, the first 6 months that you are dancing will be the easiest because you have no idea what you are doing. Some catch on to the game earlier maybe like 3-4 months. Still to build up a regular clientele takes time. I was making pretty consistent money ($300-$400/night) on the weekends from the start. It wasn’t until closer to the year mark that I could make $1000 a night and I didn’t get close to the $2k mark consistently until I had been dancing a couple years. I also didn’t start dancing in a city that was very big and/or had a lot of money. I have a post here on the best places to strip. I also have another post on how to make $1000/night here

            The thing with dancing is that to make consistent money you have to show up consistently. The managers can depend on you to be there certain nights, they will help you get clients. If the waitresses recognize you, they will help you get clients. If you only show up randomly or once a month it’s not going to be consistent at all. This is where baby strippers get discouraged. The first few months there were days I barely made anything but I could just go back the next night and make more. Don’t give up because you have a bad night. Everyone has them. 


I can’t dance, how do I learn to dance like a stripper?

            As I mentioned above, it works in your favor to tell men that you are new. They love that shit. The trick is to just be gentle and dance on their lap. The only thing the movie Hustlers got sort of right was the scene where they are teaching each other how to give a lap dance. The easiest way to learn this is to practice or go to the club as a patron and get a dance yourself. 

            I went to the club a few times with my boyfriend at the time before I started dancing. I watched what the dancers did. He bought me dances so I could see how they move.

            If you can’t go to the club, find a lap to practice on. This can be your friend, boyfriend, gay best friend, whoever. And if you can’t find a person just practice on your bed. There are plenty of videos that show you how to twerk. But PRACTICE IN YOUR HEELS. This should be like #1 thing. 

            Walking and dancing in the heels is the hardest part. Dancing it itself is not that hard. If you are worried about dancing on stage try to find some pole dancing classes. There are studios everywhere and some offer classes that teach dancing in heels. Some will even be taught by strippers or former strippers so they can help you get comfortable dancing. 




I’ll probably do another FAQ as well as releasing this new thing maybe like a “how to” PDF or something. It’s in creation still but I know y’all will love it. 

If you have any more questions you want answered, leave a comment below ~

I love hearing from y’all in the comments and email so don’t hesitate to reach out!



Love and glitter – BW 

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