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Why SPLIT SHIFT should be your favorite:

Why SPLIT SHIFT should be your favorite:

Why Split Shift should be your favorite. (money aside)

Hi bohemians, I did another post this evening about “How to Pick The Right Shift For You” and wanted to include a special post on why split shift should be the shift all dancers work at least once a week. Clients stop reading about how we are going to exploit your wallet.  

I think that the split shift is the best shift as a dancer because it allows you the most freedom. Don’t worry, I'll explain what I mean by that. The freedom is the timing and the schedule of your day that you get back. Since you are working in the late evening but not late, you still have enough time to go and sleep. This makes you productive the next morning and unlike working the dayshift you have time with the split shift to pursue activities during the day that get you closer to your goal. I always say this industry should be a means to an end. If you don’t have something you are working toward – figure that out first.

This shift takes place between the hours of 4 – 6 PM to midnight. Most clubs I know of if they had a split shift usually had a hard-out rule of midnight. This means that you must be dressed out, and ready to go and they will announce you and take you off-stage rotation. Trust me though if you do it right you can leave even earlier than that!

 The key to split shift is you can make money off the local crowd and build a regular clientele while also making money off the tourists or out-of-towners. You get the mixture of daytime clients with nighttime idiots who can’t stop spending. Then you get to leave basically when you are done making money. Sometimes I would get there at 6 PM and have already made all my money by 10 PM. If you pay the correct house fee, the club won’t care what time you leave. Just tip everyone nicely and go home early. Unless they are short girls and ask you to stay (this has happened to me before! very frustrating but that’s for another post) you can pretty much leave whenever. Even then it is illegal for them to ask you to do anything. I won a class action lawsuit arguing this fact but that’s for another post too lol. (You will never know the vindication to get a check $$$$$$$ for years from a previous strip club employer who was abusive to women and the industry).

Also, the best part is the “cycle out” of the crowd is faster and usually more people in volume. The faster the clients cycle out the easier it is to find more laps to sit on = more money. You are also working during a time when the competition is less. There is a lull in girls working between the day and nighttime shifts which wasn’t the only reason they would ask to me stay during these times (ex: I got there at 4 PM and was ready to go by 8-9 PM they might ask me to wait until more girls got there and then they would let me go). I took it as a sign that they needed more girls and I wouldn’t have as much competition. As long as they didn’t put us on stage a bunch it was a win-win because during that time I would usually bank hard.

Another tip is to try and sell at least one cabana and that will make the time go even quicker. Also, have something to do after or plans for the next day so you have a reason to leave and don’t roll into a night shift or double shift you aren’t prepared for.

That being said, go to this post on how to work doubles if you want to see a few pointers follow this link here.

 Club Hacks Working a Double

Then the next day hopefully you wake up at a normal hour with a bunch of money and a new batch of regular clients you can hit up each time you work. The club also likes girls who do splits because of the reason above, it makes the club look full during the slow period from the day shift to the night shift. Having a nice rotation of girls is what the club wants so if your club doesn’t offer this see if you can get one special. I did this several times just saying conflicting school, work, or childcare schedules. The club would just charge me a fee that we all agreed on still dependent on what time I would get there.


It's important though not to bran too loudly to other girls when you leave early. Some won’t understand split shift and some night girls might get jealous and hurt your $ when you get there. This is why it’s important to just kind of be discreet going in and out. Don’t get drunk and never brag about all the easy money you just made before the night shift had even started getting ready.


The next morning, you’ll wake up with cash for the bills and time to spend working toward your dream or future goal. This shift is the most adaptable and provides the most stability. It makes sure that you have a predictable schedule that isn’t too far off from normal. It also allows you the daytime hours to be productive so that by the time you get into the club for your shift you have a great momentum going.


This shift allows for the most normalcy while still maintaining a schedule and regular clients but it’s the easiest shift to make money usually. So advocate for a split or try it out if your club offers one and tell me what you think in the comments!

Love & glitter,


Autism and Sex Work; Stripping on the Spectrum

Autism and Sex Work; Stripping on the Spectrum

Which shift is right for you? Day time? Night shift? Or (my fav) Split Shift?