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How to Get Into Stripping?

How to Get Into Stripping?


Hey strippies (or maybe future strippies!) welcome to the blog, that is really just an advice column for you to learn from me and my past mistakes. Just kidding, I danced for 7.5 years and feel like I have so much to share about the industry and things I learned during my career that it would be a shame to keep it to myself. So here we go! Today’s topic is one that was inspired by the new movie Hustlers (which I still haven’t seen!) I’m sure when I finally do I will probably write a review. But I know that after the video other women may be inspired to finally get in the club and make some money so I decided to write a little how to get into this business and stay safe. Most of my posts are listicles and this one isn’t any different, so if you’re looking for some helpful tips to start a new career stripping read on:


1.    Picking a club. This is one of the first things to consider. If you live in a big city be aware that there are many clubs, different types and sizes that attract different clientele. I suggest that your first few weeks find a small to medium sized club. A place that just opened is also a good place to start. New clubs usually are very flexible on rules and house fees. The less overhead you have to pay up front the better. For more info read my other post about Nailing Your Audition. If you live in a small town, go to a different city – you wouldn’t necessarily want friends or colleagues to see you, especially if you decide not to do this long term (or don’t like it).

2.    Pick your outfits. This one is super important because it’s imperative that you feel comfortable in what you are wearing. Lingerie that makes you feel sexy is the obvious choice but also something that is comfortable. Be sure to practice taking it on and off because trust me you’ll have to eventually. 

3.    Find a good pair of stripper heels. I recommend the lower heel height so maybe 5 inches and get some with straps for goodness sakes. You need to be able to walk in them so make sure to walk around your house. Walking on carpet will be much harder so try to walk on hardwood or a hard surface. Also practice walking up and down stairs and getting down on the floor and back up.

4.    Get your nails and hair done. If you can make sure to get your hair blown out the night of and your nails done that day. It will give you more confidence and be one less thing you have to worry about. 

5.    Try to make sure that you have a ride or someone to pick you up. You do not want to drive to the club your first night if you can help it. I would say have a trusted friend drive you, that way if you want to leave early or bail out you can without having to pay for a cab or Uber. 

6.    Try to relax with a drink beforehand. ONE DRINK only. You do not want to end up wasted but you don’t want to be shaking when you have to go into the club for the first time. I would not suggest taking any drugs unless you know how they will affect you but now is not the time to experiment because you think you need it. 

7.    Set a schedule for yourself. If you are really going to get into this make sure that you set a schedule to work. This way you can prepare mentally, physically and keep your other shit together. I would not recommend letting it take over your life outside of the club. I would watch girls come in and just lose themselves in that environment and then they would disappear without a trace. 

8.    Keep friendships to a minimum. Rule of thumb in the club is that you can’t trust anyone. You are all competition. Girls there can eat you up and spit you out. Use your newness to take advantage and most of the time they are not there to actually help you. At all. Be polite but keep your distance. You don’t want to seem snobby but don’t interact with them more than surface encounters, unless you just want to invite drama into your life. 

9.    Don’t leave with customers outside of the club for any reason. It’s obvious that this one is a big no-no but you would be surprised at how many girls think that this is part of the job. It isn’t. It never is. 

10.  Set your boundaries. Make sure you know before you even step foot inside the club where your boundaries are. Perhaps you don’t want to be touched – or maybe the club won’t allow it. Maybe you don’t want to go into a VIP room, maybe you do. Be sure you have a very clear idea of what you want and what you don’t. And stick to these rules. DO not break them. If you can’t stand up for yourself you won’t last very long in this industry. 

11.  Just because I like the number 11 I’ll give you a bonus. Don’t worry about the money. The money will come as you get better at your job. It is commission only so be prepared to truthfully make money the easiest your first few months. You have no background, no jadedness, no predispositions, no judgements – yet. That will all come later. For your first few months just enjoy being the newbie, making money and hopefully putting some away as savings. This can be a very lucrative job but if you don’t save anything then one day you will have nothing to show for it except for your memories and maybe a blog ;)


Hope this helps you get an idea of what to expect, how to get into stripping, and what things to avoid in the club so that you don’t get trapped or sucked in too deep. Stay tuned for more posts about stripping and more! 


Love and glitter 


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