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Ari turns 1!

Ari turns 1!

Our Very Hungry Caterpillar Turns One!

Dress from Etsy

Dress from Etsy

My baby turned 1!

Cake by My Sweet Austin

Cake by My Sweet Austin


It was a great weekend full of so many mixed emotions. First, I can’t believe how far everything has come in one year. I looked at my time hop and it shows N and Ari sleeping on the couch together and she is so tiny. Now she is practically walking and crawling everywhere, eating all the things and trying so hard to talk. It’s just amazing how far they come in one year.

            The party was great. As you can see it was The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme. We invited mostly family and some friends, which proved to be a pretty good turnout. The theme I absolutely loved and recommend to other moms with young kids. It was especially good for the color scheme, the easy decorating (thanks Etsy and Oriental Trading) and cuteness overload. I mean who can resist that cute caterpillar face by Eric Carle that then gluttons itself and turns into a beautiful butterfly? I think we can all relate, am I right?

            My favorite parts of the party were the cake (delicousness from My Sweet Austin) and Ari opening her presents. It was obvious she loved the cake but the presents it was like she couldn’t focus on which one she like best. My least favorite parts were relatives trying to act like mom and take care of her in a way I did not approve (like getting her super cute outfit I got from etsy all dirty or feeding her queso, wth?) but I get it relatives aren’t perfect.

Party Favors!!!

Party Favors!!!

            All in all it was aa great party but what was the next day like? Or the few days following? I can’t believe last year we had no idea what we were getting into. Now I’m like I will always celebrate this day for the rest of my life. I felt fortunate that we were able to throw Ari an awesome party when so many kids go without. I was grateful for N and how far we have made it this year. To many more to come!!


Town Lake Sunday's 10.29.17

Town Lake Sunday's 10.29.17

town lake 10.15.17

town lake 10.15.17