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What does a bohemian do for work?

What does a bohemian do for work?

            Hi bohemians, it’s been a rough winter for me. 1. Everyone has gotten sick at least once 2. I was laid off from my job that I had been at for two years over the holidays 3. Finding a new job has been challenging to say the least. 


It’s hard to quantify but I think the roughest part of this transition is that I was already planning on moving to a different career in 2019 but I didn’t want to quit my job in such a rushed fashion. But that’s life, right? This time last year I was really focused on my writing and completing the first novel in the series. Passive income was important because despite having a salaried job I was still having issues making ends meet. I wasn’t feeling stimulated creatively and thought that I could just push through. 

            However, I was still broke. I still didn’t have time to pursue the things I really wanted. I didn’t want to continue my job and it was mentally draining. I had decided when Ari was just a couple months old that I wanted to get into real estate. I wasn’t sure what that looked like but I wanted to sign up for a class and get started. Then a couple weeks later I landed the job that I just got laid off from. 

            So, the plan has been on hold for nearly two years but I still had interest, I can still see my potential in the industry and I still think that it would be a viable CAREER not just another job. But here’s the thing: 

            Is it truly what I really want? When I looked at my life from a far – I want to be a published fiction author, a successful real estate entrepreneur, a social media vixen, modern content creator. I have learned through the job search and many podcasts that my definition is called: multipotentialite.

            Is that even a thing? I don’t know but it describes me 100% (maybe I’ll save that analysis for another blog post). To share a little real-world story here is goes about my job searching. If you are transitioning or job searching maybe this short story can give you a little insight into the struggle that is finding the right position. 


            I started searching for new work around the beginning of the year. I had sent out a few resumes on a few job listing sites and posted my resume on Now it had been years, YEARS, since my last “job search” so this was going to be pretty much all new. Unlike my previous job hunting searches this one was much different because my resume was actually getting some good engagement. Like really good. I was getting requests for more information or invites to interview on over 50% of resumes I sent out. Previously, that percentage was at 10-20% so this was a huge change for me. Blinded by the interest and afraid that it would disappear I was going on interview after interview even though the job might not be the perfect fit. 

1.    Interview with BIG CORPORATE Real Estate Firm as an assistant. The first interview I had in years, of course, went horrible. I couldn’t believe some of the things that came out of my mouth. I was obviously rusty and did not stay focused on the job or have any direction in my interviewing skills. Aside from my flaws the company also seemed too corporate for my taste. Moving On.

2.    Interview with Personnel Company #1 who had head hunted me for a real estate position doing bid contracts for a flipping houses tech start up. They wanted 8-5 no flexibility and it wasn’t a commission-based job. I went to the interview filled out the paperwork but since I turned down the position I knew I probably wouldn’t be contacted again. Moving On.

3.    Interviewed with a small real estate firm for a position as an assistant. I did end up going to this job for a few days to try it out. I thought I would be doing more real estate assisting than personal assisting. That could have been adjusted but on Day 2 my daughter’s daycare called me that she was sick – I rushed to go get her and I was 45 minutes away. I had a literal breakdown in my car that if it was a true emergency I wouldn’t be able to get to her fast enough. Panic Attack ensued. MOVING ON. 

4.    Interviewed with Personnel Company #2. This one was super friendly and wanted to send my resume to what I thought was an architecture firm. Once I got to the interview I learned that it was an engineering firm. I don’t know anything about that field but was reassured it wouldn’t be a problem. I worked there a couple of weeks but the scope of work was different than what I had actual been hired and they didn’t seem interested in offering more. Moving On.

5.    Interview with a commercial development company. With this one I laid it all out. I said I had been trying out a few different positions but needed something more flexible and they offered a part time position. The work was related to real estate and at least this would give me the freedom to start on my licensing while still bringing in some income. But still probably moving on at some point. 


There were a few other back and forth’s in there that didn’t result in an interview. Once an employer asked me to get on a video conference but gave me only 2 minutes to connect and then left assuming I wouldn’t show up. That was fun. 

            In between all of that my daughter got hand, foot and mouth AND pink eye within a couple weeks. I have been sick since last week (probably stressed induced) and she still has a little cough. 

            I am currently writing this from a coworking space which I can tell has a lot of potential for me to work. It’s close to my house, has a good vibe and will at least give me the space to process what the hell has happened in the last TWO months.

If you have been through or are currently in the process of transitioning a few tips to keep you sane:

-      Listen to inspiring podcasts

-      Make lists of goals to keep you focused

-      Manage time and $ (no late nights or frivolous spending)

-      Don’t give up!

-      Do things that you love and help you relax

-      Make sure to set a schedule

-      Keep devolping yourself in whatever aspect that might look like


Love and glitter - BW


Never Stop Hustling

Never Stop Hustling