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Birthday and SXSW

Birthday and SXSW

There was a calmness over the city as I got to work this morning. The last week was a complete tornado. Every year SXSW comes to town but this was the first year I have ever had an office downtown. It was super challenging going to work and also coming home. The other challenge of the week was that Ari’s school was out for spring break and N did not plan for a backup. My mom came in town a couple days to watch her and she stayed the first Saturday night over night at my parents house! N was also out of town that night so it was just me, alone, in my house. I taught yoga and then had a glass of sparkling rosé at Whole Foods. Did I go hard that night? Of course, I went to target, got supplies and wine, and detail cleaned my bathroom. Photo proof below:

prism Pinot noir - great for sipping while cleaning 

prism Pinot noir - great for sipping while cleaning 


As a birthday present I also treated myself to some Crate and Barrel goods. I added to my bathroom collection here and got new stuff for our couch. Since we didn’t have planned child care, N and I split the days taking care of the baby. On my birthday I took the morning off work, we went shopping (even though we mostly bought clothes for her). Ari was the best shopping buddy and I only lost her once in the dressing rooms. She had run off to the men’s side and luckily the store had just opened so it was empty haha. She did enjoy being chased around the store and was (dare I say it) better behaved than N! 

For my birthday evening, I went out with some friends to our regular dive bar which had some SXSW showcases but no-one that I knew of course. Then dinner with some work collègues and after I spent some time at my buddy’s new place listening to a Grateful Dead cover band playing across the street at Threadgills. I did get a little lit at the bar before dinner and apparently I was leaning a bit to the left until the food sobered me up which my friends enjoyed watching. However, in old people/mom fashion - this 31 year old was in bed with my makeup off by 11:30.  

The rest of the week went by alright. The weekend seemed long as Ari was getting sick and fighting a cough. Last night was one of the worst nights since she was super little. She kept coughing and I could hardly sleep at all. She went back to the nursery today though and SXSW is over so maybe we can all go back to normal now. 

Goals for the year: finish the novel, turn this blog into something, make more $ from writing

What to do when someone brings up your past….

What to do when someone brings up your past….

Decompression and Reflection

Decompression and Reflection